Enhancing Dementia Care in Long-Term Care: The Role of Dementia Training Programs

Delivering high-quality care in long-term care requires innovative approaches that address the complex needs of both residents and staff. Equipping care teams with practical tools to understand and respond effectively to responsive behaviours strengthens their ability to provide person-centered care to people living with dementia.

Dementia training programs, such as U-First!®, which originated in Ontario and is rooted in the PIECES™ framework, support quality improvement initiatives by helping care teams understand the whole person within their environment. When embedded within a broader quality improvement framework, consistent training fosters a shared knowledge base, language and approach across the care team, enhancing overall care quality.

Over the past two years, U-First!® has been implemented in select care homes in Island Health and Vancouver Coastal Health, contributing to positive outcomes, including the reduced use of potentially inappropriate antipsychotics in some care homes. With support from the Ministry of Health, U-First!® is now available to publicly funded long-term care homes in B.C.

Using real-world examples and an engaging case study, this webinar will explore how standardized dementia training supports person-centered care, strengthens staff capacity and drives quality improvement. Participants will gain practical strategies to support a team-based approach to care and learn how to access U-First!® training for front line staff in publicly funded long-term care homes.

Enhancing Dementia Care in LTC

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  • Thursday Mar 20 2025, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Zoom Event