Medical Cannabis within the continuing care sector has been hot topic within Canada. The elderly population is the fastest growing population of medical cannabis users, however it has created challenges with insufficient knowledge on how to support, manage and monitor residents on medical cannabis. This talk will addresses critical topics with a special focus on continuing care and supporting residents using medical cannabis. 

1. Understanding of the endocannabinoid system and the pharmacologic properties of THC and CBD. 
2. Summarize the potential therapeutic applications of medical cannabis with a focus on the elderly. 
3. Discuss key considerations for dosing, titrating and monitoring. 
4. Understand the Canadian regulations regarding the use of cannabis for medical purposes. 
5. Discuss Policy Considerations when assisting a resident using medical cannabis. 

Other topics discussed could include:

- Building a Medical Cannabis Policy 
- Reviewing Federal & Provincial Regulations 
- Monitoring Tools for Medical Cannabis 
- Medical Cannabis Resources (Online Course) 
- Reviewing the impact of Legalization 


A Practical Guide to Medical Cannabis in Continuing Care (Burnaby)

  • Wednesday Oct 03 2018, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • SafeCare BC Training Centre
    1424-4710 Kingsway
    Burnaby, British Columbia