Join Dr. Salima Dadani, BCDA Director of Member Support and members of the BCDA Geriatric Dentistry Committee as they discuss the role that family members can play in assisting with residents’ daily mouth care as an addition to that provided by professional caregivers. The discussion topics include COVID-19 challenges, development and delivery of training resources for laypersons, and culturally-sensitive promotion of mouth care education resources to families.

Seniors with poor oral health live with risks to their overall health. Oral health diseases or pain can affect the ability to speak properly, which can lead to social isolation. It can also affect the ability to eat properly, which can cause a decline in nutritional status, body weight and overall resistance to systemic diseases. BCDA is well-positioned to develop and provide training support to family members regarding daily mouth care assistance to residents; and by working with stakeholders to support effective and sustainable oral healthcare for residents in long-term care.

Optimizing Daily Mouth Care for Residents in Long Term Care

  • Wednesday Apr 06 2022, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom Webinar